This function produces an analysis-of-variance-like table based on linear
functions of predictors in a model or emmGrid
object. Specifically,
the function constructs, for each combination of factors (or covariates
reduced to two or more levels), a set of (interaction) contrasts via
, and then tests them using test
joint = TRUE
. Optionally, one or more of the predictors may be used as
variable(s), so that separate tables of tests are produced for
each combination of them.
joint_tests(object, by = NULL, show0df = FALSE, showconf = TRUE,
cov.reduce = make.meanint(1), ...)
make.symmint(ctr, delta)
- object
a fitted model,
, oremm_list
. If the latter, its first element is used.- by
character names of
variables. Separate sets of tests are run for each combination of these.- show0df
logical value; if
, results with zero numerator degrees of freedom are displayed, ifFALSE
they are skipped- showconf
logical value. When we have models with estimability issues (e.g., missing cells), then with
showconf = TRUE
, we test any remaining effects that are not purely due to contrasts of a single term. If found, they are labeled(confounded)
. Seevignette("xplanations")
for more information.- cov.reduce
a function. If
is a fitted model, it is replaced byref_grid(object, cov.reduce = cov.reduce, ...)
. For this purpose, the functionsmeanint
are available for returning an interval around the mean or around zero, respectively. Se the section below on covariates.- ...
additional arguments passed to
- delta, ctr
arguments for
- x
argument for
a summary_emm
object (same as is produced by
). All effects for which there are no
estimable contrasts are omitted from the results.
There may be an additional row named (confounded)
which accounts
for additional degrees of freedom for effects not accounted for in the
preceding rows.
The returned object also includes an "est.fcns"
attribute, which is a
named list containing the linear functions associated with each joint test.
Each row of these is standardized to have length 1.
No estimable functions are included for confounded effects.
returns the function
function(x) mean(x) + delta * c(-1, 1)
and make.symmint(ctr, delta)
returns the function
function(x) ctr + delta * c(-1, 1)
(which does not depend on x
The cases with delta = 1
, meanint = make.meanint(1)
and symmint(ctr) = make.symmint(ctr, 1)
are retained for back-compatibility reasons.
These functions are available primarily for use with cov.reduce
In models with only factors, no covariates, these tests correspond to
“type III” tests a la SAS, as long as equal-weighted averaging
is used and there are no estimability issues. When covariates are present and
they interact with factors, the results depend on how the covariate is
handled in constructing the reference grid. See the section on covariates
below. The point that one must always remember is that joint_tests
always tests contrasts among EMMs, in the context of the reference grid,
whereas SAS's type III tests are tests of model coefficients – which may or may
not have anything to do with EMMs or contrasts.
is flaky with models having nested fixed effects. In
some cases, terms that could be relevant are not identified, or confounded
with unidentifiable terms.
Dealing with covariates
A covariate (or any other predictor) must have more than one value in
the reference grid in order to test its effect and be included in the results.
Therefore, when object
is a model, we default to cov.reduce = meanint
which sets each covariate at a symmetric interval about its mean. But
when object
is an existing reference grid, it often has only one value
for covariates, in which case they are excluded from the joint tests.
Covariates present further complications in that their values in the
reference grid can affect the joint tests of other effects. When
covariates are centered around their means (the default), then the tests we
obtain can be described as joint tests of covariate-adjusted means; and that
is our intended use here. However, some software such as SAS and
adopt the convention of centering covariates around zero;
and for that purpose, one can use cov.reduce = symmint(0)
when calling
with a model object (or in constructing a reference grid). However, adjusted
means with covariates set at or around zero do not make much sense in the
context of interpreting estimated marginal means, unless the covariate means
really are zero.
See the examples below with the toy
pigs.lm <- lm(log(conc) ~ source * factor(percent), data = pigs)
(jt <- joint_tests(pigs.lm)) ## will be same as type III ANOVA
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> source 2 17 30.256 <.0001
#> percent 3 17 8.214 0.0013
#> source:percent 6 17 0.926 0.5011
### Estimable functions associated with "percent"
attr(jt, "est.fcns") $ "percent"
#> (Intercept) sourcesoy sourceskim factor(percent)12 factor(percent)15
#> [1,] 0 0 0 -0.904534 0.000000
#> [2,] 0 0 0 0.000000 -0.904534
#> [3,] 0 0 0 0.000000 0.000000
#> factor(percent)18 sourcesoy:factor(percent)12 sourceskim:factor(percent)12
#> [1,] 0.000000 -0.3015113 -0.3015113
#> [2,] 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
#> [3,] -0.904534 0.0000000 0.0000000
#> sourcesoy:factor(percent)15 sourceskim:factor(percent)15
#> [1,] 0.0000000 0.0000000
#> [2,] -0.3015113 -0.3015113
#> [3,] 0.0000000 0.0000000
#> sourcesoy:factor(percent)18 sourceskim:factor(percent)18
#> [1,] 0.0000000 0.0000000
#> [2,] 0.0000000 0.0000000
#> [3,] -0.3015113 -0.3015113
joint_tests(pigs.lm, weights = "outer") ## differently weighted
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> source 2 17 28.601 <.0001
#> percent 3 17 7.889 0.0016
#> source:percent 6 17 0.926 0.5011
joint_tests(pigs.lm, by = "source") ## separate joint tests of 'percent'
#> source = fish:
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> percent 3 17 1.712 0.2023
#> source = soy:
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> percent 3 17 1.290 0.3097
#> source = skim:
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> percent 3 17 6.676 0.0035
### Comparisons with type III tests in SAS
toy = data.frame(
treat = rep(c("A", "B"), c(4, 6)),
female = c(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 ),
resp = c(17, 12, 14, 19, 28, 26, 26, 34, 33, 27))
toy.fac = lm(resp ~ treat * factor(female), data = toy)
toy.cov = lm(resp ~ treat * female, data = toy)
# (These two models have identical fitted values and residuals)
# -- SAS output we'd get with toy.fac --
## Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
## treat 1 488.8928571 488.8928571 404.60 <.0001
## female 1 78.8928571 78.8928571 65.29 0.0002
## treat*female 1 1.7500000 1.7500000 1.45 0.2741
# -- SAS output we'd get with toy.cov --
## Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
## treat 1 252.0833333 252.0833333 208.62 <.0001
## female 1 78.8928571 78.8928571 65.29 0.0002
## female*treat 1 1.7500000 1.7500000 1.45 0.2741
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> treat 1 6 404.601 <.0001
#> female 1 6 65.291 0.0002
#> treat:female 1 6 1.448 0.2741
joint_tests(toy.cov) # female is regarded as a 2-level factor by default
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> treat 1 6 404.601 <.0001
#> female 1 6 65.291 0.0002
#> treat:female 1 6 1.448 0.2741
## Treat 'female' as a numeric covariate (via cov.keep = 0)
## ... then tests depend on where we center things
# Center around the mean
joint_tests(toy.cov, cov.keep = 0, cov.reduce = make.meanint(delta = 1))
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> treat 1 6 401.865 <.0001
#> female 1 6 65.291 0.0002
#> treat:female 1 6 1.448 0.2741
# Center around zero (like SAS's results for toy.cov)
joint_tests(toy.cov, cov.keep = 0, cov.reduce = make.symmint(ctr = 0, delta = 1))
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> treat 1 6 208.621 <.0001
#> female 1 6 65.291 0.0002
#> treat:female 1 6 1.448 0.2741
# Center around 0.5 (like SAS's results for toy.fac)
joint_tests(toy.cov, cov.keep = 0, cov.reduce = range)
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value
#> treat 1 6 404.601 <.0001
#> female 1 6 65.291 0.0002
#> treat:female 1 6 1.448 0.2741
### Example with empty cells and confounded effects
low3 <- unlist(attr(ubds, "cells")[1:3])
ubds.lm <- lm(y ~ A*B*C, data = ubds, subset = -low3)
# Show overall joint tests by C:
ref_grid(ubds.lm, by = "C") |> contrast("consec") |> test(joint = TRUE)
#> C df1 df2 F.ratio p.value note
#> 1 6 71 8.993 <.0001 e
#> 2 7 71 9.763 <.0001 e
#> 3 8 71 8.774 <.0001
#> e: df1 reduced due to non-estimability
# Break each of the above into smaller components:
joint_tests(ubds.lm, by = "C")
#> C = 1:
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value note
#> A:B 2 71 5.709 0.0050 e
#> (confounded) 4 71 10.635 <.0001
#> C = 2:
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value note
#> A 1 71 14.601 0.0003 e
#> B 1 71 24.059 <.0001 e
#> A:B 3 71 2.778 0.0474 e
#> (confounded) 2 71 8.656 0.0004
#> C = 3:
#> model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value note
#> A 2 71 7.398 0.0012
#> B 2 71 22.157 <.0001
#> A:B 4 71 3.009 0.0237
#> e: df1 reduced due to non-estimability